Does Social Media Manipulates your Mind?


This earth would become a boring place if we all looked same, had same opinions, same dreams, same culture, the same lifestyle, same vision…. OK, that’s enough!

This world is full of Diverse perspectives and Different potential. Social media is a great platform to connect with the world and have exposure to various things to enrich your knowledge.

Apart from its pros, we cannot deny the fact that social media has a great impact on our minds. Everything you see on social media makes you compare your life with others. It has become so important for people to post everything about themselves to show the world that they are living a happening or an amazing life!

Well, no one posts their failures, Right?!

This is a great sign of insecurity and attention-seeking. Everyone just wants to compete with each other. Everyone just wants to matter!

This affects the self-esteem of many people and creates an inferiority complex in them. Everyone has different choices, you cannot please all of them!

Looking at the celebrities or influencers makes you want to look like them. It's okay to have role models or ideals, but not at the cost of losing your authenticity! People are so much obsessed with their image on social media which leaves them dissatisfied and unhappy about themselves. This affects your well-being and keeps you distant from your real-life connections.

Rather, spend time with your family and loved ones around you.

Have real conversations with them. Share your experiences, share what you think, what you feel. Praise and motivate each other because we lift by lifting others!

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